The holidays are coming up, and I don't feel like I'm in good shape.
Lately I feel so bloated.
The answer that a lot of girls use is Your Tea.
So I'm so eager to try out the Tiny Tea and do a teatox of 14 days.
Today I've received my package, and I can't wait to try it.
These 14 days you can follow my teatox on my instagram:
I will also blog about my experience with tiny tea, but I do use instagram more often.
What Tiny tea promises us:
You should see a reduction in body fat and a reduction in fluid retention. If you have any cellulite, it should clear up too.
If you have had digestive issues in the past, you may find that you're better able to digest food that you have found difficult to.
Your skin and eyes will clear up and when TinyTea is consumed along with a healthy diet and your mind & spirit should feel more grounded, less agitated.
Tomorrow I'm starting my teatox! Can't wait to see the results!
De feestdagen komen eraan, en ik voel me niet echt in perfecte conditie.
De laatste tijd voel ik me erg bloated, opgeblazen.
Het antwoord hiervoor, dat vele meisjes gebruiken is Your Tea.
Dus ik wil heel erg graag Tiny Tea proberen, en een teatox doen van 14 dagen.
Vandaag heb ik eindelijk (vrij snel, maar wachten duurt altijd zo lang!) mijn pakketje gekregen.
Je kan mijn teatox volgen op instagram:
Ik zal ook over mijn ervaring met Your Tea bloggen, maar ik gebruik instagram wel vaker.
Wat Tiny Tea ons belooft op hun website is het volgende:
You should see a reduction in body fat and a reduction in fluid retention. If you have any cellulite, it should clear up too.
If you have had digestive issues in the past, you may find that you're better able to digest food that you have found difficult to.
Your skin and eyes will clear up and when TinyTea is consumed along with a healthy diet and your mind & spirit should feel more grounded, less agitated.
Morgen start ik met mijn teatox, ik kan niet wachten om de resultaten te zien!
Love, Rani
You can order Tiny Tea here!

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